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Ongoing Exercise Log

Exercise Log 16-12-17 Went up in weight (to 22.5kg) and maintained 5 reps on pullups FINALLY. OHP was not a total slog to finish 3x5@45kg, so I'll finally be able to go up in weight soon. According to the Overcoming Gravity charts: Weighted Pullups - Pretty much at L5. Certainly for 1RM. Weighted Dips - Same as pullups. OHP - L4, need 50kg to get to L5, the final 'beginner' level.  Isometrics: Front Lever - primary goal besides strong compound movements. Can do a few seconds with advanced tuck, hips and knees at 90 degrees.  Back Lever - replaced Planche for the time being. Same level as front lever but can hold longer. 
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The Body Plan

Current routine, since about 10-11-2017 Upper Body Warmups - hips, legs, ankles, shoulders, neck, wrists, spine Handstand practice : around 2x50s chest to wall Animal walks and/or burpees until heart rate increases Strength Superset 1, 3x Pullups: 5 reps with +20kg, additional 10s hold at the top. Overhead Press: 5 reps with 45kg Strength Superset 2, 3x Tuck Front Lever Pull to Row: 4 reps Ring Dips - 5 reps with +25kg Strength Superset 3, 5x Advanced Tuck Front Lever Hold: 12s Advanced Tuck Back Lever Hold: 12s Strength Set 4 (if there's time, usually weekends) ~5x Band Assisted Ring Muscle-Up: 4 Lower Body 4x5 Low Bar Squat with 100kg + warmup sets Some extra leg stuff - kossack squats, occasionally pistols, lots of mobility Mobility - Pike, Splits and Shoulders Kossack squats 90s static holds: lunges, lizard pose, forward folds, ankle leans Active-passive (PNF) versions of the previous Compression work: pike and straddle Wall arm raises ...