Current routine, since about 10-11-2017
Breakfast shake!
Sleep - not great. Typically wake up for an hour in the middle of the night. Almost never get 8+ hours.
Upper Body
- Warmups - hips, legs, ankles, shoulders, neck, wrists, spine
- Handstand practice : around 2x50s chest to wall
- Animal walks and/or burpees until heart rate increases
- Pullups: 5 reps with +20kg, additional 10s hold at the top.
- Overhead Press: 5 reps with 45kg
- Tuck Front Lever Pull to Row: 4 reps
- Ring Dips - 5 reps with +25kg
- Advanced Tuck Front Lever Hold: 12s
- Advanced Tuck Back Lever Hold: 12s
- Band Assisted Ring Muscle-Up: 4
Lower Body
- 4x5 Low Bar Squat with 100kg + warmup sets
- Some extra leg stuff - kossack squats, occasionally pistols, lots of mobility
Mobility - Pike, Splits and Shoulders
- Kossack squats
- 90s static holds: lunges, lizard pose, forward folds, ankle leans
- Active-passive (PNF) versions of the previous
- Compression work: pike and straddle
- Wall arm raises
- Band dislocates (lots)
- German hang/skin the cat
- Wrist work: various angled leans and grabs
Other Factors
Cycling to work, about 25 minutes each way, 5x a weekBreakfast shake!
- 1tsp Creatine Monohydrate
- 1tsp Psyllium Husk
- 1tsp BCAAs
- 1tbs Collagen Hydrolysate
- ~35g Whey Protein Isolate
- ~1/4 cup Pro-biotic Yoghurt
- ~1/4 cup Milk
- 2 Eggs
Sleep - not great. Typically wake up for an hour in the middle of the night. Almost never get 8+ hours.
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