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The Body Plan

Current routine, since about 10-11-2017

Upper Body

  • Warmups - hips, legs, ankles, shoulders, neck, wrists, spine
  • Handstand practice : around 2x50s chest to wall
  • Animal walks and/or burpees until heart rate increases
Strength Superset 1, 3x
  • Pullups: 5 reps with +20kg, additional 10s hold at the top.
  • Overhead Press: 5 reps with 45kg
Strength Superset 2, 3x
  • Tuck Front Lever Pull to Row: 4 reps
  • Ring Dips - 5 reps with +25kg
Strength Superset 3, 5x
  • Advanced Tuck Front Lever Hold: 12s
  • Advanced Tuck Back Lever Hold: 12s
Strength Set 4 (if there's time, usually weekends) ~5x
  • Band Assisted Ring Muscle-Up: 4

Lower Body

  • 4x5 Low Bar Squat with 100kg + warmup sets
  • Some extra leg stuff - kossack squats, occasionally pistols, lots of mobility

Mobility - Pike, Splits and Shoulders

  • Kossack squats
  • 90s static holds: lunges, lizard pose, forward folds, ankle leans
  • Active-passive (PNF) versions of the previous
  • Compression work: pike and straddle
  • Wall arm raises
  • Band dislocates (lots)
  • German hang/skin the cat
  • Wrist work: various angled leans and grabs

Other Factors

Cycling to work, about 25 minutes each way, 5x a week

Breakfast shake!
  • 1tsp Creatine Monohydrate
  • 1tsp Psyllium Husk
  • 1tsp BCAAs
  • 1tbs Collagen Hydrolysate
  • ~35g Whey Protein Isolate
  • ~1/4 cup Pro-biotic Yoghurt
  • ~1/4 cup Milk
  • 2 Eggs
Other Dietary - Lot of meat, almost enough vegetables, not too much sugar, not too much refined carbohydrate. Lot of fat. My natural tendency with my current level of exercise is to eat at about maintenance (weigh myself about every two days).

Sleep - not great. Typically wake up for an hour in the middle of the night. Almost never get 8+ hours.
